Still Life Photography - Bugs from my Toolbox

Early this year I was chatting with my 5-1/2 year old grandson, who at the time was living near Nagoya, Japan. He had taken up an interest in insects and seemed to go everywhere with his butterfly net.

After one of his outings, he asked me about bugs in our backyard. Being winter, I told him that they were still not out. Seeing his disappointment, I told him I had an idea, and I would show him something in a few days.

I went down into my toolbox and started to photograph some of the things I found lying in it and ended up constructing a “bug”. Over the next few months, we collaborated an I ended up constructing some 18 of these metal “bugs”. These 18 works are meant to be turned into two 3 x 3 typologies that I plan to hang on the wall. I plan to print them on Japanese washi paper with some lovely textures from the mulberry bark used to make this paper.